Oh yeah firstly, wish all you folks a very Happy New year 2009.
So well lets start with the reviews:
1. Over the Hedge: One from my favourite category- animation movies.. great story, great animation and total fun to watch, though hubby thought otherwise. Could have gone deeper to become a lion king though. But I liked the simple and nice touching story...
Rating: 4.5/5
2. There is something about Mary:
Oh well, old movie, watched it so many times...its still watchable in parts..like in between cooking. Really like the unbelievable character Mary is...
Well didnt have time to dig into too many books, but yeah accomplished finishing one:
Stephanie Meyer
Rating: 2.5/5
Ok I really dont understand how this became a best seller, but i guess if u survive the slow first half of the book, you are in for a treat..just because it took me as much time to finish the first half as all of Rowling's books put together! Some nice editing and better vocab could have made this book and the mythology beneath it pretty captivating. Anyways, I shall definitely read he sequels to see if she gets any better!