Monday, February 9, 2009

Book Reviews

1.Sundays at tiffany's:

Rating: 3/5

Good for: Its fast pace, some descriptions of NYC and a easy flowing plot.

Bad for: imagination, restricted descriptions, overkill in visualisations, and as usual making the career woman an evil character without a heart.You almost feel as if the author decided suddenly to recast the characters he had written up and inverted them to let go of biases and gender stereotypes.

Can be avoided unless desperate for something brainless to read.

2. Breaking Dawn:

Rating: 4.5/5

I think i developed this superhuman power to increasingly tolerate the vampire was like being punished --the first time is the was twilight..but i got so addicted to the plot that i wanted to know what happens to the hapless dame featured in the earlier books...and yeah to the complicated love triangle she is in...
The good part about this book is the solutions it gives- pretty extreme ones to the problems the writer created in the lives of its main characters, but yeah it makes u feel almost relieved that there is much less morbidity, and much more sunshine in this book than in the earlier versions..less creepy, more emotional and feel good...

Pink Panther 2

Ok ...lols...dunno why they gave it such low rating in USA today...Me, I like fine brainless comedy and Steve Martin is just too good to give up on. Aish Rai is another disappointing story altogether..but yeah the movie is good timepass....and a superb actress. There is something warm and familiar about the whole movie..and yeah PP 1 was much better in casting and storylines but the Vatican scene in this one totally takes the cake...

Rating: 4.9/5


ok i have this massive inertia problem..yeah i know they say inertia is directly proportional to mass etc etc ..which is why its true for me..but the funny bit is that i really have extreme in point:

1. i cant seem to drag myself to the shower.Once i do manage- like once a week types, i cant seem to be able to get out of the relaxing environ...

2. i cant seem to get up from bed...or once up i cant seem to go back either...same applies for chores...cant seem to start them, cant seem to stop doing them once i start...

3. Ditto for eating, drinking, partying, walking...blah the flavour? Any explanation wud do...