Monday, February 9, 2009


ok i have this massive inertia problem..yeah i know they say inertia is directly proportional to mass etc etc ..which is why its true for me..but the funny bit is that i really have extreme in point:

1. i cant seem to drag myself to the shower.Once i do manage- like once a week types, i cant seem to be able to get out of the relaxing environ...

2. i cant seem to get up from bed...or once up i cant seem to go back either...same applies for chores...cant seem to start them, cant seem to stop doing them once i start...

3. Ditto for eating, drinking, partying, walking...blah the flavour? Any explanation wud do...

1 comment:

008 said...

because you're the exact opposite of your extremely energetic, always on-the-move sister